Tuesday, May 29, 2007


(I meant to post this last Friday but never got around to it. It was my birthday yesterday so I've been hanging out with family all weekend. )
Anyways, Pirates of the Caribbean. Thursday was crazy. It started with me thinking I was seeing PotC3 at 8pm like my friends and I had planned, and ended with me seeing it at almost midnight with a different friend and my family. It was all so confusing...
Here's basically what happened: My 2 friends and I had been planning to see it opening night since we knew what day it was coming out. Well all was good and well until one friend says that the other friend's family (who bought the tickets) gave their extra ticket (which was supposed to be for me) to this girl named Jessica. And when I talked to the other one she said she had just found out and didn't know about it and was really sorry. And of course this was upsetting for me.
Sooooo, after lots of stuff happened.....My mom got tickets for the 11:35 showing and I saw it with my other friend Kitty. We had so much fun and were sooo tired when we got out of the theater (at 2:30 am!!!).
So overall, this wasn't a bad thing. I saw the movie, which was awesome btw, I got to hang out with Kitty and have loads of fun, plus the place wasn't totally packed so no one was directly in front of me for 2 rows. Although some 7-foot tall guy look like he was going to, sooooo terrifying LOL.
Well, now you know about the whole "Pirates" thing. And you should all go and see it if you haven't already. So I'm going to end this post now.
Talk to you soon.


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