Monday, July 16, 2007

Camp Day 3 (July 11th)

We got to see a One-Room Schoolhouse/ Bible Manuscript Room. More Jamestown and Diorama stuff. Centennial Celebration of American Aviation thing presented by some military guys.
But none of that is in my journal.

This is:

DAY 3: Pathetic? Yes!

"Your eyes are so blue,
I can't look away..."


I'm not even sure he's even acknowledged my existence yet!
Although there have been a few times it seemed he caught me looking at him...(eek)
Maybe (eek) not. I might still be INVISIBLE.
It is SO PATHETIC! Spending all of lunch (that would be why it was so quiet) thinking about a guy who has yet to say "hello" or even notice I'm here! (Dinner, too.)
That's about 7 parrots on it's own.
I'm feeling the other 3 parrots swarming me!
(That's 10 parrots people!!!)

"I see you there,
Still you are


At least I had fun w/ Kitty.
We went to the library with some of her friends for a bit.
Then to my room, but everyone was working on their projects so we left to hers.
We talked about Jeeves and Malachi (Duh.).
Then we went on the elevators. Hahaha!

7- A bunch of people all staring at us.

8- We got a thumbtack.

9- No one. Few lights. Creepy moaning. Then laughter. A bunch of girls came up on the elevator wondering how they got to floor 9...

Then we went on the other one and hit all the buttons!!! Muhahaha!!!

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